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The Earl Campbell Story - Life in King during the war

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Sept 2, 1918 King letter from Merelda to Earl. Merelda mentions Jimmy Gilpin drowning at Boys Lake and Neil McMurchy dying.
Dearest Bro Earl

Again I sit down to write to you. We have had no word from you for two weeks but perhaps it will come tomorrow. The Br. Mail has been very unregularly lately for some reason or other. The girls wrote you last week. I was over at Merle's helping with the threshing & then Harold was home all week, so I did not a letter to you last week, but will make up for it this time. There has been lots doing this last week. Exhibition is on again none of us have been down yet too busy to go. Dad & Arch have been seeding. Sowing wheat in the field by Walkers. Scotts were threshing today. So Arch was there nearly everybody is through harvesting now. Only Burn's & ?? Archie & Harvey Folliott. He has no man now. He had two different fellows this summer but both left him did not get enough to eat. Ha-ha. Also had to work too long of hours. Harold was home all last week but Kate was up at her home. Her Mother is very sick so Kate could not leave her. So Harold went up there on Friday. So you see he can't stay away from her a week, ha-ha. They will both be here again the last of the week. Jim want's Harold to go to Cleveland for the winter. He said he could get him a good job in a store if he would go. So I guess they will go for a while. They are going to send all their furniture out to their house at King & will likely come back in the Spring, but Harold had not decided to go to Cleveland yet. I wish he would stay in King. I think I told you in another letter that Arch got off until 1st Oct but expect he will get off for good because Dave Robb did. There will be lots have to go by 1st Oct. All the old the A.1 over 23 yrs. also B men. J & W Burns, N. MacMurachy, Jack Murray, Stanley Watson & Cain, Ab Kerr, Elmer Bryson, & lots more. Art Bovair is in Eng. Now. He & Henry met there somewhere. I guess the girls told you about the sad accident at Boys Lake last Sun. About Jimmy Gilpin being drowned there. There was no one with him but Roy McCallum (dummy). He was in the water two hours before they found him & then there was a boy drowned at Wilcox lake about a month ago. Jones from the 3rd, 18 years old. J. Gilpin was only 16 years but big for his age. Neil McMurchy died last week. He was suffering a long time with a cancer and old Betty McCallum at Kinghorn died last night. She is 93 yrs -& has been sick all summer. Now I have been telling you all about funerals – so will change the subject to weddings. You can't guess who so I'll tell you - & I don't take a fit about it. Old Kate Ross & a Mr. Port of Toronto. Her first cousin & older than herself & she is 49 years some Bridal couple, eh? Also Mr. Herb Ross & Mary Chamberlain of Nobleton – not quite so old, eh. Hopes for me yet, eh? Ha-ha. When K.R. care get a man surly I can don't you think so. Pauline & I went up to Newmarket with Willis last Sat. night. We sent to see the ??? at the ?? House there. We sure had some time too. They are good old sports, ha-ha, but brave old warriors. We are going to have Field Day on the 18 Sept. at Pellats & expect a big time. The sports start at 11.30 and there is to be a supper, concert & dance admission to all $1.25 it will break me alright. I'll send you a Bill as soon as they are printed. The Queens Own Band has to supply the music. Col. Pellat is getting home on furlough & they expect him there. Old Sir Henry is helping this year so expect it will be a success. There is to be all kinds of sports, football, baseball, racing, throwing the caber, climbing the greasy pole & etc. Dad is practicing throwing the caber & Arch is training for the races. He is going in the mile race against E. Orr, D.McMillan, ?? cousins. Bill Trent & Finch. He would have beat Dan at Aurora on the 1st of July if there had been fair play. There is to be a relay race too. Arch, Cuttie & Trent against E. Orr, Dan & Vic. Orr. It will be some race alright. I wish you could be there to beat them all, eh? The proceeds all go to the King boys. We will have a time packing boxes then. There was 78 boxes sent last year after Pellats field day and this year there are more boys to pack for because they send to all that's gone from King community. We had a League social at Laskay last Thurs. We made $23.00 are going to pack boxes next Tues so you'll get another one. I am Presd of the Social Com now so I'll see that there's lot of boxes sent, ha-ha. I wonder if you got our last box with a suit of underwear in it and did you get the $20.00 yet. It was sent from the Bank a quicker way of sending registered. I guess I'll write on both sides so the letter will not be overweight.

I was down to Maple Sunday night with Uncle Fred's. We went to Keys I expect to go up to Downie's next Sun with Dew's. Lillie Patton is teaching up there at Castlederg now. Barbara McCallum has got New Scotland school. Miss Clark from Uxbridge is at Strange and Mrs. Waterdown has the little room at King. Her husband is at the Front. Ethel Brown has the big room again and Miss Logan is down the sixth. You know school starts tomorrow. It will seem queer for us not to have anyone going to school Floss can't go to Kinghorn anymore. She passed her public school graduation so I don't know if Mother & Dad will let her go to Business College or what. They say perhaps she & Pauline can both go for a three month course after Christmas same as Clara Ross did. Clara is working in the city now. She has a good job. Mary Sturdy is still in Bank at King. And intends going back University in Oct. She will be trying for her B.A. there. You know she got sick studying so hard & had to stay home over a year. Dear sweet little Aggie Allen the hat maker has gone to St. Catherine's for the Fall session. The rest of the girls are still around. There is quite a bunch when they are all counted up. All old maids to. I guess Kate & Jean Burns, Annie S., Ruley (?) Holt, Susie Finch & Maizies & we three gawks. Merle & Dollie & Lucy, Gertie, Mary T & Mary & Marjory, Mae, Rita & Ava. Jean Patton, Bert Patton is home now too. All the Strange bunch. Also a big bunch at King Rena Lloyd & Maud are both home now & Lorna & Leddie C. Josie & Blanch & Gladys Egan, Annie Bates is back again & Jean & Edith McDonald & Irene. Mary Curtis& Ralph Burns are to be married soon & oh there are the Watsons girls left too Minnie & Eva & Floss Cain another old maild. Her hubby got married to another girl that's worse than being killed at the war, isn't it. Arch & Roberta had a fight. He goes up to Aurora again & when he doesn't go there he goes to Simmons up the hill at Laskay he get his old boots mended free. Doris Merchant is around again she is an awful pretty girl just looks like Wallace. But is going back to Toronto to work was only home for a month.

Mary Lawson was here for her music lesson & she said she had a letter from you & was tickled half to death over it. She answered it, and was looking for another one, so be sure & write to her if you get time. Oh, say Earl I went up to the see that centerpiece you made for Ella. Say, it is just great, however could you make it so good. You'll have to learn me when you come home and wherever did you get the sea-shells. Ella is awful pleased about you sending those things to her. She would'nt take anything for that centerpiece. I wouldn't either if it was mine to think who it was that made it. Did the nurse's learn you how to make it when you were in the hospital.

Tues. morn. Well Earl, I did not get your letter finished last night, so I'll finish it now. I must have it off with the mail today. It is raining this morning the men will not be able to so today. Old Betty's funeral is today to King Cemetery. I guess we will be going, Mother & Dad anyway. That will be three funerals in King cemetery in a week. (Jimmy Gilpin, Neil McMurachy, & Betty). Old Jim Ferguson looks after the graves now. He will be busy. He will be making lots of money. Will be able to marry again. That will be another classy wedding. He & Annie Glass that's right …ha-ha. The young girls can't get married until after the war, so lots of chances for the old ones, ha-ha. Flo McCallum is still single. I guess she'll be next. Well Earl, you'll think I am crazy for sure, but I want to fill up the 14 pages & have told you all the news's, so have to write nonsense. Have you had your leave to cities in France yet is so where did you go & I hope you had a good time. Also hope you get the $20.00 in time to enjoy it. I guess the weather will be cold over there now, is it? I am glad you are working on the wide gauge back of the lines. I see you have a new censorer & I guess he reads every word. I wish he could read my letters to you. I bet he would be sorry, ha-ha. Now ole boy I must close – so write soon & take best care of yourself. Love from all at home. Your old sis Merelda.

Sep 30, 1918, King Letter from Pauline to Earl
Dear Brother,

Thought I had better get to work and write a few lines to you or you saying I never write to you. How do you like spiking on the rail track. I am a pretty good hand at that for I had all the chicken coops and hen-houses to fix and make warm for winter. I have fifty-three chickens this year. And mind you ma found a hen setting yesterday on nine eggs. So we will have chickens in the winter time, what do you know about that.

We are through with our grain thrashing and had a good turn out. We had pretty nearly 60 bags of goose-wheat off five acres of land. Do you call that good? We had a days of trashing. Harry Ireland thrashed for us. He has Billy Hams other machine. But we will have a days thrashing of Alsax of red clover. I just got through raking up the clover to-day. When I was raking Dad calking up and Arch ploughing. We saw a returned soldier coming toward us. He was lame and wanted to sell a magazine. Well he went to Dad and he never knew him till he got pretty close and then he came across to see if I would buy one and I never knew him till he spoke. And Arch never knew him either. Guess who it was? Floss dressed in Harolds returned clothes. She sure did look like a little boy about sixteen. We are going to get some pictures taken of a returned soldier and a conductor taken to-gether and we will send you one and see if you know who they are. Well the picnic at Sir. Henry's is over. There was a big crowd there. King got up a team of football with Hope and King men and they played Green River but got beat three to one. King beat Pellets 3-0. They would have beat only Dan McMillen & Elmer Orr would not play good as they were saving themselves for the races which of course they got. Arch did not go in the races as he got kicked playing football. There was a mile race and Elmer Orr & Lev & Frank Cull went in that & Dan McMillen too I think. Lev got second anyway. I got first & Floss got second in the Ladies race free for all. There was about a dozen went in it. And Floss & I was eating our supper I think, when the rest got to the handkerchief. Aint I some blow, ha-ha. I got three dollars & Floss got two dollars. We haven't spent it yet. We will save it for Xmas I guess. Harold & Kate has gone to Cleavland to May's for the winter. Jim told Harold he could get him a job for the winter and they could live with them free. We had 3 cats, two old cats- Rory O'Flinn & Tinker Tory and a little yellow kitten, Lony, and Dad took Rory away to King for it was eating rabbits ( the usual cats food) and in a week back comes Rory. We were bound it wouldn't go away again. But there is more little rabbits and its was eating them so Dad took it off to-day in the buggy. And if it comes home again it can stay for goo. For not many cats are so wise as Rory O'Flinn. There are about fifty pigeons yet. But they had to make near all their own nests as Earl wasn't here to do it for them. But he will be hear next yea, if all is well won't you old boy. Well I think this is a great big letter for me have written so will ring off for this time. Hoping you are in the best of health and enjoying life. Love from all at home and write soon to your loving Sister Paul. Annie Harman is a very nice girl.

Sept 30, 1918, King Letter to Earl from Merelda. In her letter Merelda mentions C. Williams, Bert Kelly & Sam Armstrong being wounded. She also mentions Carlton Crossley being in Egypt. Carlton's son Allen ended up marrying Earl's daughter Shirley. Merelda also mentions in her letter about the Government restricting Sunday driving to going to church or the Drs. "But the govt has stopped Sunday car-driving in order to save gasoline. That is one good thing they have done, because it's only the people who have no one at the Front who have cars & nearly every Sunday they would be off joy riding some place or other. So I am glad the govt has done that much good. They can go to church in their car or for the Dr., but no joy riding". Merelda also records the price of eggs, sugar and flour. She mentions as well that Susie & Fred Willis adopted a young boy, age 9 and girl from Alberta. Their Mother had died several years ago and the Father was recently killed at the Front.
My Dear Brother

Again I write a few lines to you hoping it finds you as well as it leaves us. Pauline & Floss are writing you tonight also so guess you'll get lots of news this time. Dad is out robbing the bees tonight. Mother is sewing & Arch is in bed & we girls are writing to you. Harold & Kate left last Thurs for Cleveland so it is very lonely at home now. They intend staying there until Spring, although Harold has to come back on the 13 Dec for another board & to get his pension also. So will be home for Xmas, but guess Katie will stay there until Spring as it costs so much for both to come & then they have a lot of bother crossing the line now in war time. No one but returned soldiers can go to U.S. now unless it is to enlist in the American Army. Jim had to register last month expect he will be called up any time for the next draft from the States. They take married men & single alike over there. I sincerely hope he does not have to go or May's & the kiddies ?? as well as his own. Well Earl you will be glad to hear that Arch has got off until further called for. But he has to report at Toronto every four months. 1st Jan, April, Aug unless he is called up again. So that is great relief to us. He & Dave Robb got the same. There will be a great many shaking in their boots on Nov. 1st. Nearly all the fellows left around have to report then. I guess you will have heard that Charlie Williams is wounded & back in Eng. He was only in trenches about a week. His leg is broken. I do not know what hospital he is in yet, but will get his address from his home & write to him. Bert Kelly & Sam Armstrong were both wounded again & back in Blighty. Carlton Crossley is in Egypt in the (sea-plane) whatever you call it & Gamie is still in Eng on sick leave. Lorne & McKittrick are still training in Eng. I seen a picture of them taken together in France last week at Uncle Aarons.) But I guess you hear more of the boys over there than we do . So I'll tell you what goes on at home instead. Well, yesterday was Rally Day at S.S. all the S.S. scholars took part in the service. The church was decorated with Flags & leaves & flowers. It looked real nice. All the girls were in white with wreaths of leaves & flowers on their heads, they sang & recited little pieces. Next Sun. in the Presb. Anniversary in Laskay they are getting Aurora choir or else the orchestra to give the music & a Mr. McDonald of Toronto to preach. I guess there will be a crowd as everybody to church now as there is nothing else to go to. But the govt has stopped Sunday car-driving in order to save gasoline. That is one good thing they have done, because its only the people who have no one at the Front who have cars & nearly every Sunday they would be off joy riding some place or other. So I am glad the govt has done that much good. They can go to church in their car or for the Dr., but no joy riding. Well there were two weddings last week. Herb Ross & Mary Chamberlain and Kate Ross & Mr. Park of Toronto, her cousin. Some youthful brides and grooms, eh! Geroge Williams is married. I think I told you before though. Well he is going to work Aunt Barbara's farm next year. What do you think of that, he is going on the farm to keep out of the army is wife is a city girl so you can imagine how they will get along farming. Poor George. I wish him all good luck. Harry & his wife are both working in munitions in Toronto.

Old Mrs. Ferm of King was buried yesterday & old Mr. Wells (Mrs Neil McMurachy's father) was buried on Sat. quite a number of the old people have died this summer. Mrs. Harvey Folliott has a young son. They call it Bruce Henry. Susie & Fred Willis have adopted a boy, he is nine years old & looks quite a bit like Norman. He is from Alberta, his Mother died a long time ago & his father was killed at the Front. There is a little girl too. They are going to take her also. Bolton Fair is today & tomorrow, Woodbridge is on the 12 & 14 of Oct., Thanksgiving Day again. Schomberg is the last of Oct & Newmarket is over it was last Wed, Thur & Fri. It was awful weather for it rained on Wed , snowed Thur & was cold & windy Fri. All Sept has been very cold & wet hope it is warmer in Oct. The ploughing match is 31st Oct down the fifth at Weldricks. I guess we will go there, ha-ha. Paul & Floss will be crazy to go anyway. You know young Ellesworth is ??? them. He got out of the army for a while, was put in C. Category . So you can give them dig about it. Don't tell I told you,ha-ha.

Well Earlie we got the threshing done last week, the grain turned out good, but we have the alsae to thresh yet. Had a good crop of it this year. It is worth $14.00 bu. Now. Daddie was teaming out wheat last week. He got $2.05 bu for it that is govt price. The govt set a price on everything now & just allows us so much flour & sugar & meat. Of course we can eat all the vegetables we like, but we can only buy 25 cts worth of sugar a week & have to use corn and barley flour with the white. Eggs are 50 cts a doz. & butter .48 a lb. It must be hard for city people to live, but I don't care if we have to live on bear-meat if it helps to get the war over & as long as you boys at the Front are getting fed. We cleared over $60.00 at Pellats Field Day. So that is to send boxes to you boys. I don't know when they are going to pack. I hope its soon though. I think I told you in my last letter about the time we had up there. Say Earl did you get the $20.00 yet? & have had your leave yet. Hope you get the money o.k. It was a Bank Order, so ought to have went safe & in time for you to have a good time out of it. You have nearly $600.00 in Bank now, so can have a good time when you get home, eh! Well dear boy, I can't think of anything more tonight. Only wish you the Best of luck & a safe & speedy return to us. With lots of love & good wishes from all at home. Am sorry no snaps yet. Your loving sister, Au Revoir Merelda

Oct 1, 1918, King Merelda continues here letter dated Sept 30, 1918.
Dear Earl,

Just a few lines more this a.m. to say we are sending a box consisting of socks, honey, eats & smoks. Hope you get it o.k. Hope the little pies are not mouldy, be sure & tell me if they keep alright. If they do I'll send more. The handkerchief is from Harold it was one of his & the pies are made of his raisins, he gave them to us for you. Daddie has gone over to help Uncle Fred with the corn today. Arch is ploughing the field between us & Ireland north of the lane. The rest of us are packing your box. Aunt Barbara was up on Sun she would like you to write to her if you get time. She is going to knit a pair of mitts for you.

Well I guess this is all for this time. So Au Revoir, Love from All, Yours, Merelda

Oct 31, 1918, King from Flossie
Dear old brother,

I must write you another letter or you will be sticking one of those spikes into me that you hammer into the track. Well it will soon be time to start picking roots. It is some awful job. But if we work good we get new coats. Harold and Kate has gone to Cleveland to live there for the winter. Their furniture is packed in the old part upstairs. Kate sure is some chicken, her brother Jack who is in England says he intends bring back a wife from England she will be some wife won't she. Leslie Sturdy's wife is in New York now. She hasn't come to King yet. Arch has got off till he is called for but he has to report January, April, every four months. We will get same snaps taken and mind now don't get scared. I will put one in of the house. I got a great joke on Paul, Dad & Arch to day I dressed in Harold's uniform and they didn't know who I was. So old Bob Carney is wounded. I wonder is he the same as when he went to school. Mike Annings is working at Long Archie's now. We had a big day at Sir Henry's I got a knock down to all your old girls up there. Bertha Mount, Annie Harmon and two or three Miss Terrys. Blanch Robb told Annie Harmon I was Earl's sister and then she was very very glad to meet me. She is some chick. We got home at half-past two in the morning, so you know there was a concert and a dance. We all was there and Buster had to keep house. I have not much more news to tell. I guess Paul has told you all . I have stopped going to school at last don't you think it is time. I am ready to go to college now. If you were home we would both go together, eh! I guess my brain is exhausted for this time, but I will try and gather sufficient for next time. You haven't wrote to me for a long time so I will be looking forward for a good old bouncer. I will close now with the best of love from your old sister, Florence

Write and let us know if the candy was hot. Annie said she knew Paul by seeing you. She ask all questions about you.

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